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I'm Gonna Beat It
Jason Blog - Family
Written by Jason Boyette   
Monday, 11 February 2008 21:48

So, right now everyone in our family except for me and E are sick. Baby M started with a croupy cough a couple of weeks ago, and C has had a fever and cough for five days now. Now Mama has caught it, too. Her eyes look sleepy, wet, and itchy. She went to bed before 8:00 tonight.

I put the ill ones to sleep, and watched part of Cinderella with E before finally sending her to bed after 9:30 - way past her bedtime [edit: she was still awake at 10:30, and came downstairs to ask me for a drink]. I picked up some of that Airborne stuff tonight, and I'm going to test drive it to see if I really can beat this flu. Armed with Airborne and a flu shot I think I'm gonna beat it.

Update 3/5/2008: I never did get sick, but I just learned about the Airborne settlement. Apparently it doesn't do what it says it does. But, it worked for me - maybe!

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