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UGLI Fruit
Jason Blog - Family
Written by Jason Boyette   
Monday, 12 February 2007 04:37
ugli fruitAfter quite a long absence (as is common to this blogging phenomenon, especially for those of us with small children), I am back to posting on this thing.

My wife has started a new series of exotic/unusual fruit purchases when she goes to the grocery store. It began with a couple of pomegranates, then some star fruit. She picked up an UGLI fruit on Saturday. So Sunday afternoon I sliced open the yellow-green citrus, and shared it with my daughter E, our little fruititarian. She couldn't get enough.

My oldest daughter C, who can barely tolerate having a piece of fruit on her plate, was given the task of just licking a tiny piece. After doing so, I asked her if she thought it tasted like an orange, to which she replied, "It tastes like ugly."
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