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A Goldie Tribute
Kelly Blog - Miscellaneous
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 13:34

Meet Goldie, our trial pet. We brought this little goldfish home with us after a graduation party at church. Goldie had been a centerpiece at the party. E held her securely all the way home. C was too nervous to hold her and M was afraid she was going to jump out of the bowl and eat their balloons. A was just very curious about the little orange thing swimming in the seat next to her.

We got her home, named her Goldie, fed her and sent the girls to bed. The next morning we flushed our first pet. Goldie lasted less than 12 hours in the Boyette house. We didn't shed any tears, we didn't have much time to get attached. I guess she made a better centerpiece than a pet. M still reminds us to pray for Goldie every now and then, but other than that it was hello, goodbye and not another word about getting another pet!