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Mother's Day to Remember
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Saturday, 12 May 2012 21:25

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  A day that I always feel overwhelmed with  blessings.  My girls always work so hard at making me little things and planning to make me queen for they day. Sometimes they get so excited that they just can't wait until the big day.  Tonight E said, "I think tomorrow is going to be a lot better than last year."  I told her I was sure it would be better because it couldn't get much worse.

Last year the girls met me bright and early with the same excitement they always do on Mother's Day.  They just couldn't contain the secret gifts they had been hiding and were eager to get their plans in motion to treat me like a queen.  It was a little different for me than in years past.  I was ten days in to recovering from surgery and had been up a good deal of the night with severe pain.  As they were showering me with their gifts I could barely hold my head up.  To make a long story a little shorter, later that afternoon I began to experience the pain again but this time was losing consciousness.  Jason knew he had to get me to the hospital quickly.  Thankfully our aunt came to stay with the girls and we headed to the hospital.  As we were leaving the driveway I remember looking back at the house and seeing the girls standing in the door watching us leave. I was so thankful they didn't know the severity of what was going on. I knew things were serious.  I wasn't sure what the problem was, but I remember praying, "Please don't let them lose their mother on Mother's Day."

When we arrived at the ER I was in poor enough shape that they whisked me away very quickly and began pumping me with fluids.  My blood pressure was extremely low, I was in extreme pain and they didn't know why.  I remember a lady exchanging some sharp words with the person wheeling my gurney and then explaining to me that she was the charge nurse and they were just going to take me where I could get a little more TLC.  TLC in the form of morphine, monitors, and staff that never left the room.  I had been in the ER before but never received treatment like this!  After a battery of tests they discovered that I had blood in my abdomen and they didn't know where it was coming from.  With many apologies they told me surgery was inevitable.  "Dr. Kreske is on his way.  He lives 20 minutes from the hospital and as soon as he arrives you'll be going into surgery."  At the time I couldn't understand why everyone was so apologetic.  I was bleeding internally and they were going to save my life.  I was grateful. 

I remember even through the morphine saying goodbye to Jason.  It was so different than the goodbye when they wheeled me off to surgery 10 days before.  I was having my gall bladder removed laparoscopically.  It is one of the most common surgeries in America but I was so afraid of all of the "what-ifs?"  I was crying as they wheeled me away, imangining that I may never wake up.  In stark contrast,  this time I was as cool as a cucumber.  Perhaps it was the morphine, but I am more inclined to believe it was God's grace.  I knew that people were already praying for me.  I remember telling  Jason a few of my wishes just in case and then asked him to pray.  When they came to take me, my eyes were dry this time.  I wasn't afraid.  I remember Jason's eyes, they had a look of concern that I have rarely seen. 

Hours later, as I began to wake up, I realized why everyone had been so apologetic! I have a foggy memory, that seems more like a bad dream, that includes me moaning in pain and banging on the side of my bed for someone to come help.  There was a figure standing at a distance saying, "I'm sorry, I've given you everything that I can."  My next memory is of waking up in a hospital room.  Nurses were hooking me up to monitors and putting oxygen tubes in my nose but most importantly Jason was there.  I faded in and out of sleep and Jason was always there when I woke up. 

After five long days of broth, jello, blood draws, and a close call with a pain medication overdose, I was released from the hopsital.  I remember how bright the sun seemed as I took my wheel chair ride to the car.

"Victory in Jesus" and a Shadow
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Monday, 17 October 2011 21:31

Yesterday during the worship service at church the song "Victory in Jesus" came up on the screen as the next song to sing.  This song always reminds me of my grandad.  We sang it at his funeral.  Often when we sing this song in church I get a little teary.  The funny thing is, it isn't because it reminds me of my grandad's funeral.  The tears come because I can remember it being one of the songs that, when he was alive and well, his voice could be heard above the entire congregation.  And believe you me his voice stood out above the congregation.  The choir director probably spent time praying that Pryor Davis never decided to join the choir.  As a  kid I wondered why he had to sing so loud.  Wasn't he aware people could hear him? I could on the other side of the church!  I mean we shared the same last name and people knew it.  

Now that I'm older and a bit wiser I know why he sang as loud as he did.  He knew the victory that he had found in Jesus.  Sounds so cliché and an easy lead for a comedian, but it was true.  He knew how different his life was as a result of his faith in Jesus.  All of these thoughts run through my mind and the tears start to form.  This Sunday was a little different.  The song started and the thoughts started to swirl when out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow of a man behind the baptismal.  He was mopping up the water left behind after the baptisms we had just witnessed. I realized that man was my dad. This set off a whole new chain of thoughts. 

I would pay money to hear my grandad sing that song again, but am so glad it isn't only his song to sing. My dad may not sing it as loudly but he lives the victory found in Jesus.  I like to think I'm a little more on key when I sing but it isn't the key that really matters.  I'm just thankful to know the same victory in Jesus that my grandad and dad know and that someday we'll have the opportunity to sing it together again. 

Simple Pleasures
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Wednesday, 27 July 2011 15:13

Yesterday was a beautiful summer day in Michigan.  The temperature was somewhere in the mid-80's, low humidity, and just enough cloud cover to give you a break from the sun.  The perfect day for me and the girls to head to the lake.  We – more like I – packed up all the sand toys, life vests, floaties, picnic lunch and all the other things we think we need for a day at the lake.  Somehow I manage to squeeze the wagon in the car so that we all look a little less like pack mules.  This year I had the brilliant idea to pack some things in a backpack so that even the little ones could join in the struggle of lugging all our goods for what seems like an eternal walk from the parking lot to the beach. Actually this year I noticed that the packing, loading of the car etc., seemed to go a little smoother.  Perhaps it was the fact that my 15 year old niece was here to lend a hand, or the fact that as my girls grow they are becoming amazing helpers.  Any way you look at it I was amazed that I could easily shut the hatch on the car and I don't think I even raised my voice once in the whole getting-ready process.

We made the long trek to the beach where we were greeted by friends, and the girls immediately started enjoying everything that is fun about the lake.  I enjoyed sitting and chatting with friends and watching the girls have fun.  I even ventured into the water, which I usually dread and avoid if at all possible.  A wanted me to hold her in the water which I gladly did.  Later we ventured over to the splash pad where I swung her through one of the fountains and enjoyed her giggle.  I've always enjoyed picking my girls up and swinging them through the water but this time was different.  Almost three months ago the simple pleasure of picking up my toddler was something that I couldn't manage.  I was recovering from major surgery, and even if I could have withstood the pain the lift would have caused, I  lacked the energy.  I never knew how painful recovering from surgery could be, but just as excruciating is the missing out on the simple pleasures of life such as picking up your child. 

Yesterday I swung my smallest girl through a water fountain and gave her sister an underdog.  I stood in the water and watched my two big girls demonstrate their swimming skills.  The long trek from the car to the beach didn't even seem as long as usual.  It hit me when I was in the splash park swinging A that I was doing normal things, the things I did last year pre-surgery.  The things I wanted to do so badly post-surgery, but feared I would never be able to do again.  God is so good to give us simple pleasures in life and even better to give us opportunities to find new joy in those simple pleasures.

Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Thursday, 26 August 2010 23:04

Here we are at the end of summer and I find myself totally exhausted.  The summer's activities are starting to catch up to me and I'm pretty sure sheer exhaustion is the force behind the meltdowns and mood swings we have all been feeling.  I have found myself obsessing about "me time" and when I could get it.  After all, a stay at home mother of four who has packed for a vacation, camping trip, entertained out of state guests, hosted play dates, taken kids to the lake, not to mention a traveling husband…well you get the idea, I'm tired.

I wondered if I would actually enjoy staying in a hotel by myself for a few days; maybe just sitting on a beach by myself where no one knew my name would be more relaxing, and of course, much deserved.  Thoughts of how and when to make this happen began to occupy a lot of my mind.  The endless spills, seemingly constant sibling bickering, and neverending piles of laundry were all battles I was growing extremely tired of fighting.  Last Tuesday was no different. Chaos seemed to be the order of the day and all of my children seemed to be in a very obstinate mood when Jason called.

"Have you heard about Leisa Roe?"

A Squirrel to Call Her Own
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 21:38

Often times while I'm driving in the car I am guilty of being so lost in my thoughts that the conversation going on behind me is just babbling background noise. Truth be told most of the times conversations aren't abounding in the backseats. It is more like complaints being tossed around, shrieking, arguing, and the like.  On the rare occasion that there is only one voice speaking at a time my mind takes a little break knowing that everyone is buckled up allowing me to know where they are and what is within their reach.  A while ago I tuned into one of these rare conversations and picked up on a little fact.  C and E had pet squirrels.  I had no idea.

C's squirrel lives in the woods behind my parents' home.  E's squirrel lives somewhere in the neighborhood we pass through on the way to church.  They see it walking on wires and scampering up trees.  I've never had the heart to ask them how they know it is the same squirrel when there are probably others that live in the same neighborhood.  I suppose we could call them the country and city squirrels. How different the worlds these little rodents live in.  One spends its day stealing birdseed from a feeder while the other risks its life crossing wires above pit bulls and running across busy roads. One day as we were driving our route into the city squirrel's territory, E spotted a squirrel who, sadly, didn't make it across the road.  "Oh no, my...." then with relief, "No, it isn't my squirrel." Somehow in the two seconds it took us to pass the unfortunate animal she was able to make a positive ID on a squirrel she had only seen from the window of a moving car.  I would call that very positive thinking.  A week or so later she spotted "her" squirrel crossing a wire.

American Girls
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Saturday, 21 November 2009 21:37

Today we brought two new girls to our home:  Julie and Elizabeth.  Julie is a beautiful blonde girl from the 70's, and Elizabeth a very sophisticated looking girl from the late 1700's.  We made a quick trip to Chicago to pick them up but our journey to acquire them began over a year ago when the first American Girl catalog arrived at our home.  Jason and I had been in debate over the terribly over-priced dolls and whether our girls would ever get one when the two of us went to Chicago in 2008 for a little getaway.  He was very much against getting sucked into what he described as a marketing ploy.  Being the convincing wife that I am I got him to go into the American Girl store with me just to see what it was like.  It was just as he thought, a store filled with a brilliantly marketed product, but to me it was the kind of store that little girls' dreams are made of.  I picked up a catalog to take home to the girls.

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