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Just Like That! Our Baby Story
Kelly Blog - Motherhood
Written by Kelly Boyette   
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 20:51

It's hard to believe that a week ago at this time we were just getting ready to meet our little A. The baby and I had spent some 39 weeks together and now we were finally going to be able to see each other. I was hoping that we would have met sooner but that just wasn't meant to be, as it was it couldn't have worked out more perfectly.

I was scheduled for a dr. appointment at 9:30 that morning, June 18th. The dr. planned on administering a treatment that may or may not start my labor. I had the same treatment the week before and although it made me feel miserable for a while it didn't send me into labor. I wasn't going to get my hopes up this time, but I did have my mother and hospital bag with me just in case! After giving me the treatment and checking everything over the dr. said, "If you feel like anything has changed, come back in and if it has, we'll send you over to labor & delivery and get things going." Upon hearing that I was determined that I would feel something change!

C and I did laps around my parents yard.  I vacuumed, emptied the dishwasher, got the girls' bags ready, and took a nap just in case!  At around 2:30 I just wasn't feeling any contractions so I began to pray that something would happen.  Around 3:30 I thought I might have reason to call the dr. so I called Jason to come home to take me in.   By the time we were on our way I was feeling funny, but still no real pattern of contractions.  After stopping at my parents to give the girls a hug we were off, only to get stopped by the police for speeding!  Jason was calmly handing the officer his wallet when I butted in and said, "Um, we're having a baby here!"  Thankfully the officer let us go quickly.  After arriving at the dr. he said we could go on over to the hospital and get things started or go home and wait for things to start.   I had waited long enough and Jason was ready to hold his baby so we headed to the hospital.

Amazingly by the time we got to labor & delivery I was in a regular pattern of contractions. We checked in at 5:00.  It wasn't long until I was feeling like I was in labor.   We went on a few walks to help things along.  When the contractions began to get really strong the nurse offered me a birthing ball.  Not really being one for sports while in labor I opted for eliminating the pain altogether - the miraculous epidural.   Only one of my epidurals had been successful before but I was willing to give it one more shot.  There are certain things about delivering a ten pound baby that you just don't forget, and it was all coming back rather quickly!   I was given the epidural at 9:15 and around 10:05 the dr. looked at me with a smile, that only my dr. can give a woman about to deliver a baby, and said, "You look so peaceful." A was born at 10:08.  He was right; I was very peaceful and feeling no pain!   My precious baby came on the first push.

Just like that there we were, my baby and I. No longer did I have to wonder boy or girl, hair or no hair, or the million other questions that run through your mind when you are expecting. Just like that she was in a bright new world which she had heard but not seen. Just like that it wasn't just the two of us.  Now her daddy can hold her, her sisters adore her, and the many other people who have prayed for her can get to know and love her. I am so grateful for the 39 weeks just the two of us shared and look forward to the many, many more we have to share as a family.

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